Thank you for taking the time to visit our site. We appreciate your interest in our services. We understand you may have concerns about how your information is gathered when you visit our site and we want you to feel comfortable with the way we handle that information. Forrest Personnel is committed to ensuring that personal information we collect is dealt with in accordance with relevant privacy laws. We only use personal information that you provide us with to answer your queries and give you information. For example, when submitting an online feedback form or making an appointment. In all cases, the personal information that is submitted to our website is held with the strictest confidence. This information is securely stored, and access is restricted to authorised Forrest Personnel staff only, ensuring that it is protected and safeguarded. Further personal data is only gathered if you willingly participate in our surveys or a marketing media campaign.
You can read more about Forrest Personnel’s Privacy Policy here.
Our web server records information about your visit such as length of your visit, the areas you visited and what type of information you viewed. This helps us to improve our site’s content and performance by determining what areas our customers utilise the least/most. We may also use ‘cookies’ to track our visitors’ preferences. A cookie is a small file that is kept on your computer by the website and is read by the website at certain times to determine preferences such as how information is to be displayed while you’re using our site. Forrest Personnel uses the information we gather about you from our website for the sole purpose of technical administration of our websites, improving our services and products, product surveys and marketing, and only to the extent necessary in each specific case. We will not sell or provide any of the information about you that we have collected or stored to other companies, marketers, magazines or any other third parties.
When you subscribe or opt-in to receive marketing communication from Forrest Personnel by electronic mail, you should be aware that any information you provide including your name (you can use an alias if you choose to do so) and email address will be stored on a secure database, provided by a third party email marketing service provider (Mail Chimp) on our behalf. Information you provide will not be provided to other or third parties. You can opt-out from receiving marketing communications from Forrest Personnel at any time via an unsubscribe link that can be found at the bottom of every marketing email sent to you by Forrest Personnel.