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Tom’s Story

…sometimes, the simplest ideas can lead to major outcomes!

Meet Tom, who has been working diligently at Containers for Change since December 2022 as a container sorter. Tom faced challenges in staying focused at work, which led to reduced hours and put his job at risk.

But guess what? The power of a simple idea turned things around!

Forrest Personnel’s Albany Team introduced a straightforward plan for Tom: using a timer. He sets 45 minutes to count as many cans as possible, without getting distracted or wandering off. Afterward, he enjoys a well-deserved 5–10-minute break to recharge and engage with coworkers before resetting the timer.

His coworkers were informed about the process, allowing them to support Tom by encouraging him to restart the timer if needed. The impact was incredible!

Thanks to this ingenious approach, not only was Tom’s job saved, but his hours have been increased again! His coworkers, initially sceptical, were amazed at the difference and noticed a significant boost in productivity across the entire site.

Tom’s newfound confidence within the workplace is truly inspiring. This story reminds us all, that sometimes, the simplest ideas can lead to major outcomes!

Congratulations to Tom for his determination and to our Albany Team for their innovative solution.